Our activities are providing a glimmer of hope for Karrayyu community members but we are in need of support. We are a non-profit organisation and totally dependent on donations for funding our activities. Even the smallest donation can have a huge impact in Ethiopia. Most of the Karrayyu we work with have an income of less than $1 a day. You can make a difference to their lives. Regular donations allow us to plan ahead knowing what resources we have available – and means you will be contributing to providing sustainable and long-lasting solutions to poverty. There are many other ways to support our work, it doesn't have to be monetary! It can take the form of suggestions, positive constructive feedback, ideas for potential donors, partnerships, and spreading the word!
Donation Options
Online donation:
Set up online donations – by credit/debit card or direct debit – through PayPal secure network. Please use the button on the right to initiate an online donation process.
Bank Transfer
You are invited to pay donations direct into our UK bank account:
Labata Fantalle Cymru
Sort Code: 40-37-08
Account No: 91614959
Or our Ethiopian bank account:
Account name: Labata Fantalle Organiation
Awash International Bank S. C. Head Office Branch, Bole Road, Addis Ababa.
Account number: 01304055741200
Thank You!