Economic empowerment of Pastoralist Women in Fantalle District
October 2014
LaFO has launched in July 2014 a new programme to empower economically the pastoralists women in Fantalle districts. The project aims to enhance the livelihoods of 34 women identified as poor/vulnerable and excluded in Fantalle Woreda (Awash) through a programme that would empower them economically and socially. The programme involves guaranteeing the Karrayyu women to have income and employment through the purchase of goats, thus guaranteeing some degree of food security.
For this project, LaFo was granted a one-year financial support by the Swiss Embassy in Addis Abeba.
The aim of the project “Economic empowerment of the Pastoralists Women in Fantalle District” launched in July 2014 is to enhance the livelihoods of pastoralists women through a programme that would empower them economically and socially. The target population are the women who come from poor households and are now involved in activities that do not secure their living or those of their families. The programme will start with identifying and training 34 vulnerable and excluded women in Fantalle Woreda (Awash). The programme will allow the Karrayyu women to have an income and employment through the purchase of goats, thus guaranteeing some degree of food security.
The first part of the project is providing those women with some feed provision and develop a business model in order to promote the production of feed and be prepared when and if drought comes. (This region is often touched by droughts)
For this project, LaFo was granted a one-year financial support by the Swiss Embassy in Addis Ababa. The Embassy’s contribution consists in buying and providing fodder. A workshop and training will also be provided in order in order to give training and practical experience to the women.