Those who attend will be able to pick, cook and eat a fantastic 3 course evening meal from the abundant Edible Landscaping garden. The cost is £15 per head, of which 100% will go to help our unique permaculture project in Ethiopia.
Edible Landscaping's Garden has 100′s of species of edible plants and in September it's abundant with a myriad of seasonal vegetables and fruit; squashes, sweet corn, apples, pears, raspberries, tomatoes, beetroot, peppers and salads, and if we're lucky even figs!
This is a chance to explore the garden with permaculture teacher Michele Fitzsimmons and learn about edible plants and then pick and cook in an outdoor and indoor kitchen. You'll create an amazing banquet that simply couldn't be any fresher. There's even a glass or two of Edible Landscaping's home made wine. A relaxed fun way of glorying in nature's bounty.
We can only take a maximum of 15 on this special evening and it is expected to fill up quickly. Please email Michele on for a booking.
To find out more about Edible Landscaping go to:
All the proceeds go directly to our unique permaculture project in Ethiopia helping indigenous Karrayyu herders to learn how to grow their own food in an ever-worsening environment in Ethiopia's Rift Valley.