Labata Fantalle Cymru recently organised a film screening in Pontypridd to showcase a film planned, filmed and edited by Karrayyu community members using participatory video techniques, facilitated by researcher Beth Cullen.
The film gives a unique insight into the world of pastoralist people and their traditional low impact way of living and moving with animals. The Karrayyu are currently facing enormous challenges and are having to adapt quickly to the changing world around them. Loss of pastureland and plant diversity, increasing conflict with neighbouring groups, severe food and water shortages and resulting health problems are just some of the challenges.
Life with animals is fundamentally important to Karrayyu culture and identity and the film highlights the effect that the weakening of pastoralism is having on the Karrayyu community.
After the film members of Labata Fantalle Cymru spoke about the exciting developments taking place as a result of the charity's efforts that are giving the Karrayyu hope for the future. The event helped to generate money that will go directly to supporting project development in Ethiopia. Thanks to all who attended.